Answer each question with 2 in text citations and 2 references with page numbers, and at least 250 words. 1.The textbook refers to a study of odd pricing, the results of which were termed inconclusi
Q (kg) Fixed Cost Total Cost (TFC+TVC) Total Revenue Profit/Loss (TR – TC) MC (change in total cost/change in quantity(Q(kg)) MR (change in revenue/change
Q (kg) Fixed Cost Total Cost (TFC+TVC) Total Revenue Profit/Loss (TR – TC) MC (change in total cost/change in quantity(Q(kg)) MR (change in revenue/change in quantity 0 $3,000 $4.8 1,200 $3,000 4.8 2,400 $3,000 4.8 3,600 $3,000 4.80 4,800 $3,000 4.80 6,000 $3,000 4.80 7,200 $3,000 4.80 8,400 $3,000 4.80