Guidance of Class Project Presentation (FIN 235 – A)
Here is some guidance on the class project presentation.
1. Each group should have 3 members. Please email me the names of your group members by
April 29, 2024.
2. Each group will have 15 minutes for each team to present their project.
3. You must introduce the two stocks/companies that your team has chosen, including the
company background, the business that they have, the industry that they are in, and the
fundamental information about their performance in the past three years. The purpose is to get
the audience to understand the two stocks/companies that you have chosen.
4. You need to show the audience the EViews/Excel outputs to support your findings and explain
to the audience how to make your judgment based on this output.
5. The presentation counts for 40% of your scores on the class project, and the report counts for
6. Both the instructor and the other students in this class will grade your team’s presentation. The
grade of the instructor composes 40% of your presentation score, and the average of all the
other students’ grade composes 60% of your presentation score.
7. Every team member must present some slides/questions. You should not let one person present
everything. The team member who is absent will receive a zero as his/her presentation score.
8. Every audience must give his/her grades to the presenting team. Your presentation score will
be zero (0) if you fail to grade any team’s presentation.